The Overgrown Trail

Cutting away the brambles that block the narrow path through the woods, you gaze past them to a fork in the trail up ahead. A large bird of prey cries out from a nest above warning of venturing into her territory. Your steps crunch dead leaves and branches beneath your boots as you continue your trek.

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The Wagner Mausoleum

The Wagner family lived in this area for as far back as townsfolk can remember. Once bright and jovial, the youngest Wagner has begun to seem secretive and started venturing for long periods near the family mausoleum. Could it have something to do with the thorny branches of that dying tree he stares, or perhaps that oily substance the maid found on his clothes. Either way he is not hear now, and the gate to the family resting spot lies open.

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The Bounding Rabbit

The sign outside The Bounding Rabbit shows shows the small woodland animal leaping from a field in craftsmanship unseen on the other shops of this town. The interior is dimly lit with only small candles on the tables and lanterns on the bar for illumination from the main door. As you step inside the jovial tune of a flute can be heard on a stage where a patchwork bard plays for the evening patrons.

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The Golden Trail

The path through the desert has taken it’s toll on all the party, and this rest stop could not have come at a better time. The thorn barrier ahead protects the camp from the savage creatures beyond and should that fail you can always join the others in the hollowed out stone dwellings built into the rocks.

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The Vault Of Avarice

You descend the stairs into the lower levels, the treasure calling to you. The corrupt order of magic that amassed this wealth may soon return but the more pressing problem is the traps used to safeguard this vault. Two twin torches beckon you to approach the first room, lined with pillars.

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The first level of The Metropolis is cast in perpetual darkness as the towers of the city rise to heights only possible at this crossroads in the planes. Torchlight guide you on the main street to your destination but too often the void of a unlit alley promises a brutal…

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The River Styx Port

The River Styx Port Sample Color

A churning froth of water from the river continues downstream, and with it, the remains of all world’s dead. The current pushes them against a solitary dock seemly long abandoned, for this place holds the corpses of many objects. A flag blows in the breeze to a kingdom beyond memory.

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